We understand that receiving dental work can sometimes be scary, especially when your child is having work done. That’s why were are here for you every step of the way. From the time you make your first appointment with us, to when you arrive for your procedure, and even in the days after, we are here to answer and all of your questions.
We encourage you to ask as many questions as you have at your appointment with us, or in your appointments leading up to your child’s procedure. We will also provide you with in depth instructions after your child’s procedure for how to care for them.
We want your child’s dental procedure to be as painless and easy as possible, which is why we are here to answer any questions you might have. Visit the links below for post-op instructions.
To put it plainly, we are committed to dental excellence. What exactly does that mean? Well, it means that at Lantzy Children’s Dentistry, your child will receive only the best treatment! When your child receives treatment with us, they will be comfortable and relaxed from the moment they arrive to when they leave. After their treatment, we will be here to answer any questions you might have.