There are a variety of dental emergencies that your little one might face. Rest assured, we will get them an appointment as soon as possible, but in the meantime, here are some tips for when your child has a dental emergency! One of the scariest dental emergencies that you and your child can experience is when he or she knocks out a tooth. If your child has had a tooth knocked out, here is what you can do:
If your child has a toothache, we recommend you clean the affected tooth thoroughly, rinse their mouth with warm water, or use dental floss to dislodge impacted food or debris. DO NOT place aspirin on the gum or on the aching tooth. If your face is swollen, apply a cold compression and contact us immediately. If your child has a cut on their tongue, lip, or cheek, apply ice to the affected area(s). If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with a gauze or cloth. If the bleeding cannot be controlled by simple pressure, call a doctor or visit the emergency room. If your child ever chips their tooth, time is a critical factor, so call us immediately to reduce the risk of infection or extensive dental treatment.
Keep their jaw stabilized and take them to the nearest emergency room.
Our team at Lantzy Children’s Dentistry is committed to dental excellence, which means your child will receive the very best care and treatment. Because of our commitment to excellence, each of our expert team members are constantly seeking new methods and knowledge to best treat your child. Lantzy Children’s Dentistry delivers treatment you can trust!